Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Spring Recap... Visitor Season... NHL Playoffs...

Howdy folks!

It has been a busy spring.  We are now getting into the heat of summer hear in Vegas with temperatures expected to hit in the 40's this week.  Early summer has arrived.  We have two seasons here, Summer and Fall.  There is no winter as I know winters to be.  We have a 4 month autumn, then early summer, then deep scorching summer, and late summer.

It was really neat watching the landscaping pop back to life in mid april.  I was really starting to wonder if some of my plants were going to make it.  But then all of a sudden, within two weeks the greenery just exploded everywhere!  And all my experimental trimming studies were fulfilled!  I love that, being outside and tending to the yard.  Cutting it all back to control nature and seeing it bounce back again.  I did yard work all year round this year.  Its a never ending mission to keep everything cut back and cleaned up so it doesn't fill up the pool.  I've also started a rock garden, bringing home some of the interesting specimens that I find in my travels.

April was the 'Month of Visitors', and we were fully booked with friends and family.  We love that.  We love that we are able to open our home to share this wonderful place with our friends and family.  I survived my first visit from a 9month old, and my first Vegas bachelor party with the Ottawa boys whom I hadn't seen in quite a few years.  It was great to see those guys again.  My overall memory of that expensive weekend was that we laughed for 3 days straight, fueled by the festive spirit, lack of sleep, and giant servings of booze.  Ahhhh, good times!  I miss those guys.  Such a great group.  You know how it is with old friends, you get together after 10-15yrs and you just pick up where you left off.  I am very fortunate to have such good, close friends, spread out all over the globe with whom time stands still.

But our most important company of the month was Tanya's mom and her stepdad, who I NEVER thought would come to Vegas.  First off, because Tan's mom is... sorry, WAS... terrified of flying.  But Tan and the whole crew at the Sackville Legion convinced her that it would all be OK, along with a little help from the good Doctor's magic flying pills.  They made the trip!  I NEVER thought they'd come here, so that was pretty special.  They were with us for 2.5 weeks and we took them everywhere.  Even down to San Diego for a few days, which may have been too long of a side-adventure for them but whatever.  We did it all, and we hope they come down again.

And the best thing that came out of their visit, besides seeing them of course, was that Tanya got cable so we could watch the NHL playoffs with them.  I soooo missed watching hockey.  And it was sweet to watch Ottawa dump the Habs as the only Sens fan in the room!  Watching hockey is great out here, because the games are on at 4pm, and the west coast games are in the evening.  So I am fully engaged in the playoffs this year and loving it!

That's all for now.  I'll leave you with these fine birds, food for thought.

Thanks for reading.


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